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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 6: You Are What You Eat

So today was a bad day.  I stayed up all night and woke up late.  Tomorrow is my dad's birthday, so my parents wanted to go out.  By that, I mean, they wanted me to drop them off at their hotel, stay the night at my sister's and celebrate over a birthday breakfast tomorrow. I agreed, but had to hastily get dressed because of my late start to the day.  So, once we left, we were rushing.  And hungry.

Naturally, we had to get cheap, fast food.  The thing is, though, we stopped at this Mexican place that took forever!  We could have had something healthier!  Anyway, that's beside the point and beyond my control now.  I ordered a couple of tacos because I felt like it was the least harmful item on the menu.  It turns out today, the last day before my weekly weigh-in, is going to be a "cheat day."  NOOOOOOOO!

I felt awful after consuming the tacos.  It wasn't so much an emotional indigestion rather than a physical one, though.  I did feel remorse, but I could also feel the grease and fat of the tacos boiling and bubbling within.  It's not worth it.  I'll be the first to admit I love a good taco, but it's just not worth it!  All the hard work I've put into the temple I'm trying to salvage that is my body gone to waste in two bites of a four inch tortilla with meat?  Hell no.  I felt groggy and gross.  I missed the energy and lightness that came with my diet.

I'm not saying I'm steering clear of bad food forever, but I am taking this "watching what I eat" thing way more seriously, if only for the feelings these bad and good foods evoke in me.


  1. I fall off the wagon too, so to speak. These past few days I have been craving some bad food. Yesterday, I really wanted pizza and the night before that I had Mexican food. And I've been a little lazy to workout. This has been a really bad week, but I'm trying to get back on track. Good luck!

    1. Let's get back on top of things together, Jackie! I believe in us! Thanks for your support. :]
