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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 11: And Now It's Time For A Breakdown

If you've been reading this blog, you know I've been struggling the past few days with the diet and exercise regimen.  I haven't really been focusing on writing, either, though.  It's time to put my priorities in order and do this right and with fervor.  I only have 40 and a half weeks left, after all.

In order to obtain my goals, I must have an outline or course of action.  40 weeks is not a long time at all.  So, I must work at it every day.  I don't work or go to school, so I should at the very least be able to better myself!

The plan is to eat 1500 calories or less a day.  I will walk 1.25 miles in the morning (alone) and .75 mile in the afternoon (with the dogs).  I will write every day in between walks.  That is my job from here on out.  I can and will do it.

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